
Advantages of Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric weight loss surgery offers a complete transformation—body, health, and lifestyle.  The changes patients experience are oftentimes life changing.  Whether it’s improving and resolving diabetes, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol or improving mental health and energy levels, bariatric surgery provides numerous benefits to patients looking to lose a large amount of weight. There are numerous […]

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Excited Man Clenching Fist While Using Weight Scale

Finding Your Health Through Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery is a life-changing experience. From the outward changes to the inward empowerment, you’ll notice improvements within yourself that you never imagined. One thing we tell our patients during an initial consultation is that bariatric weight loss surgery isn’t just a quick fix for losing weight. It’s a catapult toward a healthier lifestyle. As

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Table Full of Healthy Food

Healthy Eating After Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

You’ve successfully undergone bariatric weight loss surgery! The courage and commitment to take that huge step in your overall health and wellness deserves to be recognized. What you’ve done for yourself has the ability to transform your future and give you a fresh start at not only physical health, but mental and emotional health improvements.

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Group of Skiers

Bariatric Patient Success Stories & Tips

Bariatric weight loss surgery changes patients physically, emotionally, and mentally.  From the obvious weight loss to improvements with obesity-related illnesses, the physical benefits of undergoing the gastric sleeve procedure speak for themselves.  But one advantage that is most surprising to patients is the changes that occur mentally. Imagine waking up each morning unable to easily

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Pretty Woman makes a choice between bad food

Improving Your Health After Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is not a flippant decision.  It requires a financial commitment, a lifestyle change, a dietary commitment, and mental changes.  During the beginning phases of consultations and pre-surgery appointments, you learn about the necessary steps you’ll have to take post-surgery. Many prospective patients are terrified of the required diet post-surgery.  The biggest concern

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New Year, New You – Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s a New Year, which means one thing—New Year resolutions.  If you are like most of Americans, your resolution revolves around a healthy lifestyle.  But with the holidays ending and the plethora of unhealthy choices surrounding your every move, how can you establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle?  To help you get started on a

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Post-Bariatric Thigh Lift Procedure

Dr. Frenzel has double fellowship training in bariatric weight loss surgery and cosmetic plastic surgery.  With an abundance of education and training, Dr. Frenzel is able do something unique—work with patients from the initial weight loss consultation all the way through the post-bariatric body contouring process. If have undergone weight loss surgery and are left

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The Benefits of Undergoing Acid Reflux Surgery

Heartburn affects people in different degrees of pain.  If you have chronic heartburn, you know just how painful it can be—keeping you up at night, burning your esophagus, etc.  Acid reflux, if not treated, can create serious problems to your digestive system. Dr. Frenzel, dual fellowship trained in bariatric weight loss surgery and cosmetic plastic

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Health Benefits of Undergoing Weight Loss Surgery

Many patients approach weight loss surgery looking to transform their body.  However, it is crucial to understand the health benefits of bariatric surgery.  If you suffer from diabetes, sleep apnea, or another obesity-related illness, losing weight fast can help you win back your life.  Consider the health benefits of bariatrics. Dr. Frenzel is a dual-fellowship

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Breast and Body Lift Post Bariatric Surgery

After undergoing bariatric weight loss surgery, many patients experience unexpected bodily changes.  Dr. Frenzel offer a unique ability to help you in a complete transformation—before, during, and after bariatric surgery. Post-bariatrc surgery is designed to help you cut away at loose skin that sticks around after rapid weight loss.  Many people experience excess, loose skin

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Post-Bariatric Breast Augmentation Surgery

After bariatric surgery, patients experience rapid weight loss.  While losing weight gives patients more energy and confidence, it is important to consider how weight loss will affect the body. During the initial consultation with Dr. Frenzel before weight loss surgery, you will learn all about the different types of bariatric surgery and the post-bariatric cosmetic

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Stacie’s Gastric Bypass Surgery – Patient Testimonial

Gastric bypass is a popular weight loss surgery for patients who need to lose more than 50 pounds.  One patient at Advanced Bariatric Surgery found that undergoing bariatric surgery saved her from years of heartache. Before having the gastric bypass surgery, Stacie wore a size 22 pants.  She struggled with confidence, energy, and the will

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Maintaining Healthy Eating Habits During the Holiday Season

Staying healthy can be a difficult habit to maintain if you have struggled with weight fluctuations in the past. After bariatric surgery, certain eating habits are necessary to create in order to achieve maximum weight loss results. As you enter the holiday season, don’t find yourself surrounded by temptations. Make healthy choices and be open

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Post-Bariatrc Surgery Abdominoplasty Procedure

Bariatric surgery is a life changing operation.  Transforming your body and your mind, you will not only look better, but you will feel the weight being lifted.  As you being your transformation to a healthier state, consider post-bariatric cosmetic surgery. Often times, patients schedule an initial consultation without considering the actual process of weight loss

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