Maintaining Healthy Eating Habits During the Holiday Season

Staying healthy can be a difficult habit to maintain if you have struggled with weight fluctuations in the past. After bariatric surgery, certain eating habits are necessary to create in order to achieve maximum weight loss results. As you enter the holiday season, don’t find yourself surrounded by temptations. Make healthy choices and be open with your friends and family about your dietary needs.

There are several ways to maneuver your way through the holiday season without sacrificing your new body. As holiday party invitations begin to pour into your mailbox, politely make your situation known to the host. Most often, you can discreetly find out what meal is being prepared for the event. Being open and honest with your friends and family helps them make healthier eating options.

If, however, you find yourself in a situation that doesn’t allow for open communication, offer to bring a dish. This ensures that you will have something munch on when you arrive.

Upon arrival, you may find yourself tempted by snacks and foods you once ate on a regular basis. The holiday season is the most difficult time of year for all Americans to maintain healthy standards. Because tradition plays such an impactful role in the eating choices you make, you will find that changing years of tradition will be incredibly difficult.

Don’t abandon tradition all together. Instead, make healthier alternatives. Trade the fried chicken in for baked or grilled chicken. Opt for a fruit salad instead of fruit flavored dessert. There are many ways to still enjoy traditions without gaining the pounds of fat-infused foods.

Starting on October 31st, Americans find themselves surrounded by sugary treats. If you are facing this temptation, be proactive in setting standards in your home. Only allow a certain amount of candy to remain in your home. As November holiday celebrations arise, avoid pies and heavy side dishes for healthier eating choices.

If this is your first holiday post-bariatric surgery, the staff at BodEvolve Bariatric & Cosmetic Surgery wants to help you thrive during this holiday season. Temptation is everywhere, but will power is can be your best ally. Prepare yourself mentally for all of the meals and desserts you will be presented with during the upcoming months. Practice saying no! Going through a scenario before you enter into the reality of a situation will help you tremendously.

Next, begin researching alternative cooking recipes. There are numerous resources available at no cost to educate you on delicious and healthy desserts. Take advantage of these next few weeks before Thanksgiving and enjoy your holiday without the stress of temptation. When you set your mind to succeeding, you can do anything.


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