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Post-Bariatric Health and Lifestyle Tips

Bariatric surgery transforms patients and provides hope for a long and healthy life.  It’s important for patients to be educated regarding the effects of bariatric surgery.  Here are some health and lifestyle tips to help prepare you for the transformation process. Many patients who undergo weight loss surgery are on medications.  After surgery, prescription and […]

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Excited Man Clenching Fist While Using Weight Scale

Finding Your Health Through Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery is a life-changing experience. From the outward changes to the inward empowerment, you’ll notice improvements within yourself that you never imagined. One thing we tell our patients during an initial consultation is that bariatric weight loss surgery isn’t just a quick fix for losing weight. It’s a catapult toward a healthier lifestyle. As

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New Year, New You – Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s a New Year, which means one thing—New Year resolutions.  If you are like most of Americans, your resolution revolves around a healthy lifestyle.  But with the holidays ending and the plethora of unhealthy choices surrounding your every move, how can you establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle?  To help you get started on a

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Advantages of Exercising After Weight Loss Surgery

After weight loss surgery, bariatric patients are required to make a change in lifestyle.  From eating differently to exercising, Dr. Frenzel and his team at Advanced Bariatric Surgery offer patients the opportunity to change their life and live healthier than ever. Exercise for bariatric weight loss surgery patients can make a difference in the recovery

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Maintaining Healthy Eating Habits During the Holiday Season

Staying healthy can be a difficult habit to maintain if you have struggled with weight fluctuations in the past. After bariatric surgery, certain eating habits are necessary to create in order to achieve maximum weight loss results. As you enter the holiday season, don’t find yourself surrounded by temptations. Make healthy choices and be open

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Insurance Policy for Bariatric Surgery – Insuring Your Complete Transformation

Advanced Bariatric Surgery is led by Dr. Frenzel, a board certified surgeon dedicated to seeing lives changed and health restored to patients suffering from obesity.  When your body mass index, BMI, reaches a certain point, your health suffers.  Luckily, most insurance policies cover bariatric weight loss surgery for obese patients. The insurance process for weight

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Weight Loss Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle

Losing weight and keeping it off is more than a magic pill—unfortunately.  Eating right and exercising regularly are a crucial aspect of health and wellness.  When you experience difficulties maintaining your weight loss goals, consider the following tips for staying motivated and on track. The first rule of thumb is planning.  We cannot get anywhere

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Lap Band & Band Fills from Advanced Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Frenzel, at Advanced Bariatric Surgery, is a double board certified as a Fellowship Trained Bariatric Surgeon and a Fellowship Trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon.  Specializing in bariatric surgery and post-bariatric reconstructive cosmetic plastic surgery, Dr. Frenzel performs weight loss surgery for those who have tried natural weight loss to no avail. For those who are

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Exercises to Better Manage Diabetes

Regular exercise has numerous benefits including weight loss, improved circulation, and improved health.  One of the most beneficial aspects of routine workouts, however, is the improvement in diabetes management.  If you have diabetes or are at risk for diabetes, there is a natural solution—exercise.  By integrating a fitness program into your lifestyle, you can improve

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