Advantages of Exercising After Weight Loss Surgery

After weight loss surgery, bariatric patients are required to make a change in lifestyle.  From eating differently to exercising, Dr. Frenzel and his team at Advanced Bariatric Surgery offer patients the opportunity to change their life and live healthier than ever.

Exercise for bariatric weight loss surgery patients can make a difference in the recovery process.  Planning for the future is an important aspect of the transformation process.  After bariatric surgery, Dr. Frenzel will set up a bariatric diet plan to keep you healthy on your weight loss journey.  Most patients think about bariatric surgery as the final step in the weight loss process.  However, it’s only the beginning.

After weight loss surgery, it is crucial that patients follow a strict diet and incorporate exercises into their daily routine.  There are support groups that can help patients hold each other accountable and support one another.  During the initial consultation and throughout the bariatric surgery process and recover, Dr. Frenzel will talk to you about all of the requirements for a healthy recovery and safe post-surgery exercise routine.

The differences seen in patients who add regular exercise to their daily life after weight loss surgery versus those who do not incorporate regular exercising is drastic.  Research shows about a four percent lower body mass index in those who exercise.

Before surgery the thought of exercising can be intimidating.  But just remember that post-bariatric surgery, your body will be healthier and thriving.  You will have more energy to add in a 30-minute exercise program to your daily life.  That mixed with healthier eating habits will cater to greater weight loss and improved health.

Not only does your physical health improve after weight loss surgery, but it also positively affects your mental health.  Bariatric surgery patients who exercise regularly can expect to see differences such as improved balance, improved blood sugar control, lower blood pressure, reduced abdominal fat, and stronger heart and muscles.  Mental improvements include an improved libido, improved appearance, and stronger mental sharpness.

It is important to discuss your exercise routine with Dr. Frenzel to ensure that your body is ready.  Typically, exercise is safe at about six weeks post-surgery.  To ease into a healthier lifestyle, begin your new exercise routine by walking when you get home from your daily activities.  For about 20 to 30 minutes, walk at a slow pace and increase your speed gradually.

As you begin incorporating exercising into your routine, remember these tips:

Don’t overwork yourself.  Start at a slow pace.  You do not want to compromise your health in an attempt to speed up your results.

Stay hydrated.  After bariatric surgery, your small stomach will react differently than you are used to.  Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising.

Wear the proper gear.  Having good shoes makes a huge difference in soreness and overall health.  You need supportive shoes that are comfortable!

Keep your health in mind.  You need to maintain a healthy heart rate during your exercise program.
