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Advantages of Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric weight loss surgery offers a complete transformation—body, health, and lifestyle.  The changes patients experience are oftentimes life changing.  Whether it’s improving and resolving diabetes, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol or improving mental health and energy levels, bariatric surgery provides numerous benefits to patients looking to lose a large amount of weight. There are numerous […]

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Post-Bariatric Health and Lifestyle Tips

Bariatric surgery transforms patients and provides hope for a long and healthy life.  It’s important for patients to be educated regarding the effects of bariatric surgery.  Here are some health and lifestyle tips to help prepare you for the transformation process. Many patients who undergo weight loss surgery are on medications.  After surgery, prescription and

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Excited Man Clenching Fist While Using Weight Scale

Finding Your Health Through Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery is a life-changing experience. From the outward changes to the inward empowerment, you’ll notice improvements within yourself that you never imagined. One thing we tell our patients during an initial consultation is that bariatric weight loss surgery isn’t just a quick fix for losing weight. It’s a catapult toward a healthier lifestyle. As

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Woman Smiling at Doctor

Orberra Gastric Balloon Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

From simple, everyday tasks like walking up a flight of stairs to more lofty goals or running a marathon or riding bikes with your grandchildren, bariatric weight loss has the potential to transform your life and give you opportunities that you never imagined. Dr. Frenzel is dual fellowship trained in bariatric surgery and cosmetic plastic

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Table Full of Healthy Food

Healthy Eating After Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

You’ve successfully undergone bariatric weight loss surgery! The courage and commitment to take that huge step in your overall health and wellness deserves to be recognized. What you’ve done for yourself has the ability to transform your future and give you a fresh start at not only physical health, but mental and emotional health improvements.

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Brunette choosing fabric skeins

Gastric Sleeve Procedure: Information & Recovery

Dr. Frenzel is a dual fellowship trained surgeon in bariatric weight loss surgery and cosmetic plastic surgery.  With extensive experience performing the gastric sleeve procedure, Dr. Frenzel works with customers to determine the best surgery for bariatric patients. The gastric sleeve surgery is relatively new and increasing in popularity.  Patients who have undergone gastric sleeve

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Group of Skiers

Bariatric Patient Success Stories & Tips

Bariatric weight loss surgery changes patients physically, emotionally, and mentally.  From the obvious weight loss to improvements with obesity-related illnesses, the physical benefits of undergoing the gastric sleeve procedure speak for themselves.  But one advantage that is most surprising to patients is the changes that occur mentally. Imagine waking up each morning unable to easily

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Pretty Woman makes a choice between bad food

Improving Your Health After Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is not a flippant decision.  It requires a financial commitment, a lifestyle change, a dietary commitment, and mental changes.  During the beginning phases of consultations and pre-surgery appointments, you learn about the necessary steps you’ll have to take post-surgery. Many prospective patients are terrified of the required diet post-surgery.  The biggest concern

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Person Completing Checklist

How to Determine if Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery is for You

Obesity is a serious epidemic in America.  With fast food chains strung along every road with tempting deals and more bang for your buck as well more technology than ever, Americans are eating out and sitting around more than ever.  And along with all of this new technology comes hundreds of diets that are vying

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