Dr. Frenzel is a dual fellowship trained surgeon in bariatric weight loss surgery and cosmetic plastic surgery. With extensive experience performing the gastric sleeve procedure, Dr. Frenzel works with customers to determine the best surgery for bariatric patients.
The gastric sleeve surgery is relatively new and increasing in popularity. Patients who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery have incredible results and testimonies. This procedure, also known as the sleeve gastrectomy, rivals the gastric bypass for weight loss; however, this surgery is without some of the possible complications of the gastric bypass.
Performed as a single operator, or as the first stage operation before gastric bypass in morbidly obese patients, the gastric sleeve is effective in changing your body and giving you the confidence you deserve.
During the gastric sleeve surgery, a thin vertical sleeve of stomach is created using a stapling device. About 75 to 80 percent of the stomach is removed. The new stomach, the sleeve, is a long tubular structure about the size of a banana. While a normal stomach can hold about 1.5 liters of food or liquid, the gastric sleeve limits the amount of food intake and holds about 50 milliliters instead of 1000 milliliters.
If you are just now researching different bariatric weight loss solutions, the numbers might seem drastic. But it’s important for you to understand that the normal stomach of about 1000 milliliters is never, should never be filled completely. The stomach does not need a reservoir that large, especially when the average person eats three to four full meals a day.
For all of your concerns and questions, talk to Dr. Frenzel during a consultation and discuss the nutritional, logistics, and recovery aspects of the surgery. It’s crucial that you feel completely comfortable with bariatric surgery before you proceed. Understanding the risks of surgery, the recovery time necessary, and all of the restrictions that are required as far as food intake goes is vital to this process. We work with you to answer all of your questions and make sure this is a lifestyle change you are willing and ready to make.
We want you to know that the sleeve gastrectomy allows for normal digestions and absorption. When you eat, your food passes through the digestive tract in the usual order so that it is absorbed in the body. There is no rerouting of the intestines, which means it is unlikely to acquire a vitamin or nutrient deficiency.
If you are at least 18 years old, have a body mass index of 35 or greater, need to lose 50 pounds or more, and have experienced past failures with traditional weight loss methods, schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Frenzel today.