Weight Loss Post-Surgery Success Tips

Weight loss surgery requires a lifestyle change just like any other method of weight loss.  After bariatric surgery, you will notice changes in your body’s reaction to food—feeling full faster being the most important.  During your weight loss journey, Dr. Frenzel will discuss all of the lifestyle changes required in detail.

After you have successfully gone through weight loss surgery, your body will require a change in your eating habits, your diet, and your overall health.  Thankfully, you are not left to discover all of the means of change on your own.  Find a support group for accountability and support.  As over 140,000 people go through weight loss surgery each year, you are not alone.  For physical and emotional support, as well as advice and accountability, finding a support group can help you lose weight faster.

Along with people who know what you are going through, Dr. Frenzel will keep you accountable.  Invested in the lives and wellbeing of his patients, Dr. Frenzel wants bariatric patients to feel comfortable calling with any questions or concerns.  If you experience uncontrollable pain, shortness of breath, leg pain, dark or bloody stools, a fever over 101 degrees, the inability to keep fluids down, or leaking incisions, call Dr. Frenzel immediately.

After surgery, your new life will begin.  This requires lifestyle and diet changes, aiding your weight loss process.  Here are some foods to avoid: avoid drinking calories, sugar, carbonated drinks, fluids with meals, snacks, and alcoholic drinks.  Because your calories are very important, you do not want to use them on drinks high in calories, but low in nutrients.  This will slow your weight loss down drastically.  Sugar is also void of nutrients.  Causing hunger pangs and an increase in blood sugar, sugar should be avoided.  In the same way, carbonated drinks only cause damage to your body.  Causing gas pain and pressure to the stomach, your staples and sutures will suffer from the intake of such foods.

With all of the lifestyle changes, you sacrifice foods that might have given you pleasure and comfort.  But that doesn’t mean your life is null of pleasurable foods.  Protein should be a focus for your meals.  Helping you maintain muscle mass, while losing fat, you will not only see the results in the mirror, but you will feel full longer, benefiting your body in multiple ways.  And when you’re eating your protein, take a little extra time to chew.  Thoroughly chewing is essential after bariatric surgery.  Because large chunks of food cannot easily pass through the digestive tract, chewing smaller bites will have a significant impact on your body.

Other changes after weight loss surgery include avoiding pregnancy during the first year after surgery, avoiding over-the-counter drugs with first consulting Dr. Frenzel, and avoiding old habits.  Continue consultation and advisement with Dr. Frenzel after your weight loss surgery.  He will instruct you on the steps necessary for a successful weight loss journey.
