A mommy makeover is a combination of two or more plastic surgeries performed by Dr. Frenzel. Providing moms with their pre-pregnancy bodies, a mommy makeover can include a breast lift, breast reduction, or breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, a thigh lift, buttocks lift, body lift, arm lift, and liposuction. If you have ever looked in the mirror and longed for the body you once had, allow Dr. Frenzel and the staff at My Compete Transformation help you take back the body you deserve.
If you have tried diet and exercise, but can’t seem to shed those extra few pounds, if your body shape has never been the same since childbearing, and if you are ready to return to your pre-pregnancy curves, the mommy makeover is the perfect solution.
Though your body may have made some changes after your pregnancies, undergoing three surgeries at once can be a daunting thought. While you might only desire changes to your abdomen, going for the package deal might be enticing. Carefully consider your needs and desires. Set up a consultation with Dr. Frenzel to discuss your options and discuss the procedure in depth.
The consultation time with Dr. Frenzel is an important stage in the mommy makeover process. Understanding your current health, your medical history, the effects of the makeover, and the details of the procedure will help you to understand all that the mommy makeover involves, as well as the recovery time necessary after the surgery.
About two week prior to receiving your mommy makeover, you will visit Dr. Frenzel for a check-up. He will explain all of the pre-surgery instructions, such as the stop of medications and smoking. Pain medication will be prescribes and consent forms will be submitted. You will also take your before pictures.
The mommy makeover does take some dedicated attention, from preparation to recovery. Before you receive general anesthesia, Dr. Frenzel will mark the necessary incisions. The time frame for the surgery will depend on the procedures you decide upon. If necessary, drains will be temporarily inserted. As recovery from anesthesia is necessary before you are released, an overnight stay might be required.
The recovery time of the mommy makeover procedure should be carefully considered. For a week or more, physical activities will be significantly limited. Pain medication will be available for your use. Risks involved include infection, hematoma, blood clot, and complications. Dr. Frenzel will discuss all of the risks, as well as guide you along each stage of the mommy makeover process.
If you are ready to get your body to the shape it was pre-pregnancy, get to My Complete Transformation and set up a consultation with Dr. Frenzel. If you have reached the point where diet and exercise have taken you as far as possible, but you still have excess skin, sagging breasts, and unwanted weight, Dr. Frenzel and the staff at My Complete Transformation can help you get your body back.