Post-Bariatric Body Lift Procedure

After bariatric surgery, patients often notice dramatic changes in their body.  Because of rapid weight loss, the body is left with unnecessary, excess skin.  Dr. Frenzel offers an effective surgical solution to ensure that bariatric patients are pleased with their bodies.

Dr. Frenzel is one of the very few surgeons in the country that has a bariatric surgery fellowship and a full facial and body cosmetic surgery fellowship.  With dual capabilities, he is able to walk patients through the entire bariatric and post-bariatric processes.  After weight loss surgery, patients are affected mentally and physically by their looks.  Dr. Frenzel understands that after going through surgery to lose weight, patients want to enjoy their bodies without the excess skin lingering.

The lower body lift is the perfect post-bariatric solution.  This procedure corrects excess and sagging skin on the buttocks, thighs, and hips as well as limited fat deposits in the lower body areas.  By removing unwanted skin and tightening the skins around these areas, the body is reshaped and contoured to the patients liking.

Lower body procedures are popular among bariatric patients.  By toning the underlying tissue that supports the skin and fat, patients are left with a beautiful silhouette.  When there is excess fat and skin, patients are advised to have it removed to treat conditions caused by poor tissue elasticity.

Candidates for this post bariatric surgery should be healthy with good skin elasticity.  If you smoke, you are not a good candidate for the procedure.  In addition, it is important for patients to be in good mental health.  While surgery can correct issues and help in aesthetics, self-image plays an important role in the outcome.  Open communication with Dr. Frenzel regarding expectations is imperative.

Other necessary information for candidates considering the body lift procedure include a thorough understanding of the risks and benefits involved.  In certain situations, liposuction or a tummy tuck will be recommended for optimal results.


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