While there might be an overwhelming amount of information on the internet, when you know what to look for and how to sift through the information available, finding the right doctor to perform the right weight loss surgery for your body is a lot less stressful.
In this guide, our goal is to help you learn about what to look for when beginning your journey toward weight loss.
There are several weight loss surgeries to choose from, but that doesn’t mean that all are an option. During your initial consultation with Dr. Frenzel, he will look through your medical history, your family patterns, and help you determine which surgeries are options for your body type. Ultimately, the surgery that you and Dr. Frenzel decide upon will yield the best results for your changing lifestyle.
Lap band surgery is a laparoscopic surgery for those who are at least 50 pounds overweight. During this minimally invasive bariatric surgery, a band (inflatable silicone device) is placed on the upper portion of the stomach to limit food intake and suppress hunger. No cutting or stapling of the stomach occurs and the band is available in two sizes to ensure the best fit for your specific weight loss needs.
After lap band surgery, patients not only lose a significant amount of weight, but improvements to overall health and wellness and quality of life. With so much success, the lap band procedure is highly used to treat obesity through bariatric surgery.
The Realize band is designed for gradual weight loss. Similar to the lap band, the Realize band has a wider range of adjustment to minimize stretching. During surgery, the Realize band in placed on the upper portion of the stomach to suppress hunger and limit food intake at a slower, more gradual pace. The major difference between lap band and Realize band is the adjustment settings.
Gastric sleeve, or sleeve gastrectomy, is a newer bariatric procedure. It rivals the gastric bypass which we will talk more about momentarily. The Gastric sleeve surgery is when Dr. Frenzel creates a thin vertical sleeve of stomach using a stapling device. In all, about 75 to 80 percent of the stomach is removed. The new stomach can hold about 50 milliliters of food, as opposed to 1500 milliliters before surgery.
After gastric sleeve surgery, weight loss begins very quickly. In fact, in the first moth, many patients lose between 25 and thirty pounds. In addition to weight loss, patients have also seen health problems resolved or improved, including diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, and more.
Gastric bypass is the leading operation for resolving severe or uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension. During gastric bypass, food intake is restricted and food malabsorption is promoted. The stomach is divided to create a small pouch that connects to a loop of the small intestine. The procedure reduces the size of the stomach so that patients feel satisfied with only a small amount of food.
Success of gastric bypass is measured by weight loss and the prevention of serious obesity-related health problems. The decision to undergo gastric bypass is a big step toward overall health and wellness. All bariatric surgeries are, in fact. So talk with Dr. Frenzel to determine which surgery is best for your goals.