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Post-Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery—What to Expect

Before we dive into what you can expect after surgery, I want to make it clear that Dr. Frenzel will go over with you what you can expect throughout your entire weight loss journey. If you are new to Dr. Frenzel, or a simply browsing to gather more information before you choose a bariatric weight loss surgeon, however, I want to give you an idea of what you can look forward to and expect after your procedure.

Weight loss surgery is a procedure. It requires recovery, it requires changes, and it requires commitment. It’s important that our prospective patients understand exactly what they are signing up for, before they sign up for it! Here are some expectations that you might not have known if you are researching bariatric solutions for the first time.

After weight loss surgery, there is a major food intake restriction. Like any surgery, your body needs time to recover and, because bariatric surgery affects the stomach in such a drastic way, your first few days post-op will limit you to a liquid diet.

Once you have recovered from the surgery, your diet will remain restricted for life. Woah! That’s a massive commitment. But, don’t let this discourage you. We help you learn how to feed your body nutritious, delicious foods that will leave you completely satisfied. And remember, your stomach will be much smaller, so you will feel full on much less food!

Okay, I’ll pause here so you can let that soak in. But, don’t go anywhere!

The thought of living a certain way for at least 18 years and then all of the sudden getting a surgery and having to change everything about your life, or your eating habits, is daunting. It’s overwhelming. And it can be a major turnoff to prospective patients.

Weight loss surgery is for those who need to lose at least 50 pounds, who have a BMI of 35 or greater, and who are in good mental health. This last requirement is purposeful. When you are in good mental health, you can push yourself to strive for your goals. We have a patient, Matt, who said, “People say that the weight loss surgery is the easiest way out. I disagree. It was a choice I had to make…And it’s a choice that each person has to make on their own.” And that’s so true. When you choose bariatric surgery, you are taking the easy way out, you are addressing your obesity and you are getting the support and encouragement you need to change your life, to prolong your life, and help you achieve your goals for a healthier you!


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