BodEvolve: Experts in the Bariatric Surgery

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Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Frenzel, with offices in Arlington, Dallas, and Texarkana is an expert in the field of Bariatric surgery having performed hundreds of bariatric procedures. He performs all the various bariatric weight loss operations and believes that there is not one operation that is right for everyone. Dr Frenzel is also a referral source for many complicated patients that may need revisional surgery.

Obesity is a serious health problem many Americans are facing. Statistics show that over 30 percent of our nation’s citizens are obese. According to a recent report, Texas ranks 14th on a list of adult obesity rates organized by state.* Dr. Frenzel is highly trained in minimally invasive bariatric surgery techniques. Patients will not only achieve a significant weight reduction from undergoing a bariatric procedure, but they may also experience a dramatic improvement in general health and reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases. After weight-loss surgery is complete, body shape improvements can be achieved through a post bariatric body contouring procedure.

Bariatric surgeries at BodEvolve Bariatric & Cosmetic Surgery

Lap Band: the adjustable gastric band is an inflatable device that’s placed on the upper part of your stomach to suppress hunger and food intake. As one of the most common types of bariatric procedures, Lap Band patients typically experience a faster recovery while still achieving desired weight-loss results. The adjustable gastric band can be modified without surgery, making it a significantly less-invasive technique. Read more about lap band surgery.

Realize Band: similar to the Lap Band, the REALIZE band is shown to be one of the most effective methods in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. The patient can easily adjust the band in order to control food intake. The REALIZE Band provides a safe and comfortable way to achieve significant weight-loss. It is common for patients to experience a drastic improvement in health while also being successful at maintaining weight-loss. Read more about the realize band.

Gastric Bypass: the most common form of weight-loss surgery, it also serves as the best weight-loss operation for resolving severe or uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension. By dividing the stomach into a small pouch to promote food malabsorption, the procedure reduces the size of the stomach significantly, causing the patient to feel satisfied with only a small amount of food. Read more about gastric bypass surgery.

Gastric Sleeve: the sleeve gastrectomy may be recommended for bariatric surgery patients with high-risk health factors present or the super obese. A procedure that supports safe and successful weight-loss, the Gastric Sleeve limits food ingestion to help you eat less. Patients will experience a reduction in food cravings and a faster full-feeling. Because the Gastric Sleeve procedure is typically performed laparoscopically and doesn’t involve any cutting or altering of the intestines, it is a much safer and less complex operation. Read more about gastric sleeve surgery.

Post-Bariatric Body Lift: lower body lift is intended to reduce excess skin and tissue that is often present after significant weight-loss. Working around the body in a circumferential fashion, Dr. Frenzel removes and tightens skin to improve body shape. After you experience weight-loss, the post-bariatric body lift is a successful procedure that gives your body the shape it has worked hard for. Read more about post-bariatric body lift surgery.

Informed Patients Get Better Results

The general goals of bariatric surgery are multifaceted, but an improvement in your health is paramount. To be mentally prepared, it is important to evaluate your expectations for bariatric surgery and make an informed choice. Like other surgical procedures, bariatric surgery carries some level of risk. A commitment to making the appropriate lifestyle changes, while understanding the risks, benefits, and limitations of bariatric surgery is necessary for optimum results.

* “F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies are Failing in America, 2009” Trust for America’s Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (July 2009)

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