Duodenal Switch Procedure - BodEvolve

Duodenal Switch Procedure

Achieve remarkable and lasting weight loss with the Duodenal Switch procedure at BodEvolve. Our advanced technique combines gastric restriction and malabsorption, offering powerful results for those struggling with severe obesity and related health conditions.

Maximized Weight Loss

Dr. Frenzel's expertise ensures optimal outcomes with the Duodenal Switch, typically resulting in greater weight loss compared to other bariatric procedures.

Comprehensive Care

We provide personalized pre-operative preparation and long-term post-operative support throughout your weight loss journey.

Metabolic Benefits

Experience high success rates in resolving type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and other obesity-related conditions.

Duodenal Switch Procedure Description - BodEvolve

The Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS)

The Duodenal Switch, also known as Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS), is a complex but highly effective bariatric surgical procedure. It combines restrictive and malabsorptive techniques to achieve significant and sustainable weight loss, especially for individuals with severe obesity or those who have not achieved desired results with other weight loss methods.

How the Duodenal Switch Works

The Duodenal Switch procedure involves two main components:

  1. Sleeve Gastrectomy: About 70-80% of the stomach is removed, creating a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. This restricts food intake and reduces the production of hunger-stimulating hormones.
  2. Intestinal Bypass: The small intestine is divided into two parts. The shorter part is connected to the newly created stomach pouch, while the longer part (carrying digestive juices) is connected further down the small intestine. This limits the absorption of calories and nutrients.

This combination of restrictive (reduced stomach size) and malabsorptive (limited nutrient absorption) elements makes the Duodenal Switch highly effective for substantial weight loss and significant improvement in obesity-related health conditions, particularly type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of the Duodenal Switch

  • Substantial and long-term weight loss, often greater than other bariatric procedures
  • High rate of resolution for type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related health conditions
  • Allows for greater food intake compared to other bariatric surgeries
  • Reduces the absorption of fat by 70% or more
  • Causes favorable changes in gut hormones, reducing hunger and increasing satiety

While the Duodenal Switch offers significant benefits, it is a complex procedure that requires lifelong nutritional supplementation and close follow-up care. As with any surgical procedure, it should be thoroughly discussed with a qualified bariatric surgeon to determine if it's the right option for your individual health needs and weight loss goals.

Bariatric Procedures Comparison - BodEvolve

Comparing Bariatric Procedures

Feature Duodenal Switch Sleeve Gastrectomy Gastric Bypass
Procedure Type Restrictive and Highly Malabsorptive Restrictive Restrictive and Malabsorptive
Average Weight Loss* 75-85% of excess weight 60-70% of excess weight 65-75% of excess weight
Diabetes Resolution Very High (>95%) High (60-80%) High (80-90%)
Operative Complexity High Low Moderate
Reversibility Partially Reversible Non-Reversible Reversible
Vitamin Deficiency Risk High Low Moderate
Dumping Syndrome Risk Very Low Very Low Moderate to High
Long-term Complication Rate Moderate Low Moderate
Suitable for Super Obesity (BMI > 50) Highly Effective Moderately Effective Effective

* Weight loss results may vary. Consult with your bariatric surgeon for personalized information.

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